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Custom Recipe:Lantern Festival Treats

Happy Lantern Festival! Here are some festival treats for your Sims.



1.Requires my“Custom Chinese Food Interaction”Mod, or Custom Food Interaction Mod by the Food Group on MTS to cook the recipes. Latest version needed (Chinese Food Interaction Mod after Feb 25th, 2021 or Custom Food Interaction Mod after March 2021)!

2.Grand meal versions and restaurant recipes requires Seasons, or else Sims won't eat them. I want my Sims to be able to finish Grand Meal holiday custom at restaurants, sorry.

3.Some ingredients need harvestables from Icemunmun or certain pack to show up.

4.Vampires GP required for Plasma Fruit Yuanxiao and Heart Jam Tangyuan! If you don't have Vampires, delete the file "Rex_recipe_LanternFestivalRecipes_VampireAddOn"!

5."Fry 'Em Up----Deep Fryer, Fast Food Diner and Sauce Pairing Mod Pack" required for Fried Yuanxiao If you don't have the mod, delete the file "Rex_recipe_LanternFestivalRecipes_DeepFryerAddOn"!



·Cooking Skill

1.Black Sesame Beanpaste(Level 8, Optional Ingredients: Almond by Icemunmun

2.Beanpaste Yuanxiao(Level 8, Optional Ingredients: Red Bean by Icemunmun

·Gourmet Cooking Skill

1.Meat Yuanxiao(Level 2, Optional Ingredients: Faux Meat Cube from Eco lifestyle/Any Meat in SCCO Version)

2.Fried Yuanxiao(Level 2, Optional Ingredients: Red Bean, Egg and Rice by Icemunmun/Red Bean by Icemunmun,any Egg or Rice in SCCO Version)

·Vapire Recipes

Fills up Vampire Thirst.

1.Plasma Fruit Yuanxiao(Level 8, Requires Vampire Lore Level 4, Optional Ingredients: Plasma Fruit in Vampires)

2.Heart Jam Tangyuan(Level 8, Requires Vampire Lore Level 4, Optional Ingredients: Heart Fruit by Icemunmun)

·Grand Meal Versions

All restaurant recipes are grand meal versions, so you can't have them in restaurants if you don't have Seasons, sorry!

1.Black Sesame Beanpaste(Optional Ingredients: Almond by Icemunmun

2.Beanpaste Yuanxiao(Optional Ingredients: Red Bean by Icemunmun

3.Meat Yuanxiao(Optional Ingredients: Faux Meat Cube from Eco lifestyle)

4.Fried Yuanxiao(Optional Ingredients: Red Bean, Egg and Rice by Icemunmun)

5.Plasma Fruit Yuanxiao(Requires Vampire Lore Level 4, Optional Ingredients: Plasma Fruit in Vampires)

6.Heart Jam Tangyuan(Requires Vampire Lore Level 4, Optional Ingredients: Heart Fruit by Icemunmun)

Available in Restaurants

Custom Cooking Steps



1.Simplified and Traditional Chinese(credit to myself)

2.English(also credit to myself)



1.2021/2/26 Released the mod.

2.2021/8/4 Updated for Cottage Living; Made the mod compatible with Simple Living Lot Challenge, Lactose Intolerant Trait and group cooking. Arranged some ingredients, now use Bag of Glutinous Rice in Icemunmun's Functional Mill Mod.




2.百度图片 for texture.

3.下厨房 for the recipes.

4.Icemunmun for all the help, harvestables and support.

5.SrslySims for SCCO Ingredients.

5.Wikepedia for English translation and description.


How To Install

1.Unzip the file after downloading, and then place it in "My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods "

2.Enable custom content in game to make it appear in your game

3.Base Game Compatible. You don't need any DLC for it to work;BUT, for grand meal versions you need Seasons, for vampire recipes you need Vampires. For Fried Yuanxiao you need the Deep Fryer Mod.

4.It's not a script mod. Place the mod in "My Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods”

5.For SCCO users, use the files inside the "SCCO Version" folder, and delete everything outside the folder. If you're not, delete the folder.

If the interactions aren't showing up in your game it's probably because you didn't even see through this post. Make sure you did everything right before you ask.

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Never reupload my file or claim as your own.





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