Custom Trait:Cross-Dressing
I always thought the traits in this game lacks depth and therefore I wanted to make a trait that is fun and also in-depth...With this...

有一天,在玩游戏的时候,突发奇想:如果我做一个有趣一点的性格特征会怎么样呢?抱着这个想法,再加上与BrittpinkieSims交流以后,就突然想要做一个既有趣又有深度的MOD,于是这个MOD就诞生了——异装癖性格特征! 功能...

Custom Traits:Tone-Deaf&Golden Throat
I was tired of the fact that everyone can sing well in the end…Well, it’s always fun to go to the karaoke…with someone that will probably...

都会生活出来后不久,我就厌倦了那种人人都能学会唱歌的乏味生活......这是不可能的!在现实生活里,总有那么几个朋友,每次去卡拉OK都喜欢点歌然后......嗯,祝那些听众好运! 所以来啦!两个有关卡拉OK的特征送给你的小人——音痴和金嗓子 功能...