Seasons Trait Bundle: Values Traditions, Festive and Scrooge
Seasons, despite being one of the best packs, is still missing one important piece ---- Traits. So here's three new traits to help your Sims enjoy the sweet seasons and holidays. The new traits are mostly focused on Holidays!
Gameplay Digest

Values Traditions: Become a Holiday Maniac with the Values Traditions Trait. Complete Holiday Traditions and Wedding Traditions, bond with family members and pass on the holiday spirits! Set a tradition with spouse to keep the love running around.

Festive: Become a joyous optimistist with the Festive trait! Embrace life moments like never before and share the joy with everyone. Impress all the buzzkills on holiday with your incredible festivity, and build up the Holiday Atmosphere for unique Holiday Magic powers!

Scrooge: Be that holiday wrecker everyone fears! Make some money, and then some more! Or take a redemption route and find peace at holidays again!

Trap Inside a Gnome: Unleash your power and trap a Sim in a gnome! Pass down the gnome for generations, gift them to your enemies, or get rid of a workplace rival!
HOW TO PLAY : Values Traditions
They can be both angel or devil, depending on your behaviors on a holiday...Here we present you the Values Tradition trait!

Holidays! Oh the Burden!
Holidays are crucial for Sims who Values Traditions. Holidays mean a lot to them, and they expect the same for close friends and families. They have benifits as well as burdens on holidays, so pick whichever you prefer!
On Holidays with three or more 'traditional' customs, like Decorating, Be Thankful, Gnomes... A Sim who values traditions will consider it a 'major' holiday. On these days, they'll become tense before completing enough holiday traditions. If 12 hours later, they still haven't completed enough traditions, they'll run into 'Maniac Phase', where they become grumpy and will hardly accept any funny or mischief interactions.
They will get extra streesed if any of the traditions failed.
If a disaster happends on a holiday, they'll freak out! Fire, Divorce, Break Up... They'll be so sad about it.

Sims who Values Traditions have standards for close friends and family members. On a 'major' holiday, close friends in the same household and family members might become tense around them. If they haven't completed a holiday tradition yet, or they're pulling holiday pranks, Sims who Values Traditions might teach them a lesson, and won't accept a joke from them.

On a 'major' holiday, Sims with Values Traditions trait might have a negative sentiment with family members who ignores traditions. If the holiday failed in the end, they'll hold a grudge about it and it would be hard to make up for them for a while.

(What are you doing? Sneaking presents on a holiday?)

Holiday Magic!
Holidays are not all bad. It's easy to satisfy a Sim with Values Traditions trait, really. Just complete some holiday traditions. One tradition and they're happy, three traditions and they're free from burdening tense, five traditions and they're elated and will never get tired.
After a successful holiday, they'll bond with those who contributed to the holiday with a new sentiment and will have a greta time hanging out with them.

Sims who values traditions have two Holiday Magic Powers: Summon the Deceased and Cage Mischief.
Summon the Deceased: Summon passed family members and even pets to have them join your holiday meal!

Cage Mischief: Make your troublemaker kids a well-mannered Sim! After casting the holiday magic, the picked Sim won't be able to perfrom pranks, mischief or mean interaction on the holiday!

Love Life
Traditions are more than just holidays. There are traditions in Love Life too.
They can set traditions with lovers to maintain their relationship. They’ll even do it on their own! Performing set traditions will increase the relationship and earn special sentiments! Not sticking to set traditions will make them sad and have a hard time performing romance with their partners.
They need to be proposed in a formal way. Be it on holidays, at a party, at a restaurant or Romance or Light Festival.

If you have My Wedding Stories, they'll enjoy completing wedding traditions too. A Failed tradition will make them stressed.
If you have my Meaningful Wedding Stories mod, they'll earn more satisfaction when completing wedding traditions!

Life Moments
Life has so many milestones. Some of them are worth celebrating. For Sims who Values Traditions, certain life moments need a proper ceromony.
Birthdays: Sims who Values Traditions also values birthdays! On their own birthday, they need a cake, a party and gifts to be satisfied. Or else they'll become extremely sad.
Family Birthdays: Sims who Values Traditions do not have double standards! They value family birthday too, and will automatically congratulate them and bake a cake!

Family Loss: When a family member has passed, They'll grief for them. No jokes or pranks, no games or music. If another family member perform those activities, they'll teach them a lesson.
Moving in: Don't skip a Welcome Wagon! Sims who Values Traditions consider this a great moment to celebrate, and they won't like it if they skip it.
Promotions, Newborn, University Enrollment: Moments like these need a proper celebration too, just throw a party for them!
HOW TO PLAY: Festive
Bring a bundle of joy into your life, have a Sim who is eternally optimistic and truly feel happy for others. Here we present you the Festive trait!

A Bundle of Joy
Become a cheerfully heartwarming Sim by always bring happiness to everyone. Whenever there's good news, a Festive Sim will always double the happiness.

Festive Sims become happy when positive life events happen, and they enjoy sharing it with others. When a positive life moment happens, Festive Sims will become extra happy, and chatting with other Sims will make themselves happier.
Other Sims will become happy when Festive Sim is sharing good news, unless they’re Jealous, Self-Absorbed, Mean or Evil.

Festive Sims also enjoy hearing good news from others. When something good happen in their friends' or families' life, they'll know what it is. They'll get a special sentiment, making the happiness last longer for both Sims.

Festive Sims can celebrate with others with special interactions to make everyone cheer up. However, they might get embarassed if they do it on a bad occasion.

If nothing good happended lately to Festive Sims, and they haven't heard good news from family or friends either, they'll become bored. But if they’re Gloomy, Paranoid or Insider, they get sad instead.

A Very Jolly Holly Day
Holiday is the best time to show off festivity! On this day, Festive Sims really shine with their music skills, humurous jokes and festivity!
On a holiday, Festive Sims will forget about negative moodlets more quickly. They'll also perform more festive, funny and musical activities.

But there's more! Festive Sims also have two Holiday Magic built into them: Spread the Joy and Holiday Fix Up.

Spread the Joy will put another Sim into festive mood! They'll perform funny, festive and musical activities. Time to change those holiday buzzkills!

Holiday Fix Up can instanly fix broken objects, garnish a plate of food or clean up the home for a proper holiday.
Children of the Holiday
Festive Sims have special bond with Holiday NPCs, and they can even acquire special powers from them! All they need to do is to build up the festivity of the lot, so that the holidya spirits know they're trustworthy!

It's autumn and Harvestfest is around the corner. Build up holiday atmosphere and acquire three special abilities from Harvestfest Gnomes. The abilities can only be acquired in autumn, and only after appeasing the gnomes.

Gnomes have three abilities to grant you: Gnomify, Ripen and Harvest, and Trap Inside a Gnome.

Gnomify puts another Sim into Gnome costumes, and will be more open to accept mischief and funny activities.

Ripen and Harvest will make a blossomming plant spawn fruits instantly. Works on Giant Crops too, if you have Cottage Living.

Trap Inside a Gnome is the ultimate power of gnomes, and they'll lock another Sim's spirit in a gnome. Unless someone accidentally release them, they'll disappear from the Sim world indefinitely. This is the final ability and can only be used once.
It's spring and sprouts are growing from the soil, love is in the air. Time for Build up holiday atmosphere and acquire three special abilities from Harvestfest Gnomes. The abilities can only be acquired in spring.

Flower Bunny has three abilities to grant you: Arrangement of the Bunny, Grow and Blossom, and True Love's Kiss.

Arrangement of the Bunny will spawn flower arrangements around your Sim to help build up holiday atmosphere!

Grow and Blossom will make plants skip the grow phase and blossom in a blink!

True Love's Kiss is the ultimate power of Flower Bunny. With this kiss, your Sim can instanty become soulmates with their crush! This is the final ability and can only be used once.

It's time for Festivus!
It's winter and a new year is coming, let's play with snow and prepare some presents! Time for Build up holiday atmosphere and acquire three special abilities from Father Winter. The abilities can only be acquired in winter.

Father Winter has three abilities to grant you: Instant Snowman, Trash to Treasure, and Blessing of Holiday Spirits.

Instant Snowman can build a snowman instantly, and build up festivity for the lot.

Trash to Treasure can transform objects into Presents!

Blessing of Holiday Spirits is the ultimate power of winter. Not only will it skip the cooldown for other Holiday Magic Powers, this will also bless your Sim, so they can never die on a Holiday!

Blessing of Holiday Spirits will also unlock a secret questline. It involves recruiting a spirit for Summer Holidays. I won't spoil it for you here, but skip to the end to see the questline.
HOW TO PLAY: Scrooge
Who said Sims NEED to like holidays? Someone just HATES them! Wreck some holidays and become a diligent hard worker and make more Simoleons! Here we present you the Scrooge trait!

Making Cents
Scrooge loves money. Money is everything for Scrooge. They love making money, paying with money, and enjoy having as much Simoleons in hand!
Scrooge will become tense if no money has been earned for a long time. They'll be even more stressed if the issue don't get solved.

Scrooge will feel happy when they make a huge amount of money at once.
Scrooges are natural entrepreneurs. They learn Entrepreneur Skill at an accelerated rate.
Scrooge can work extra hours on a holiday to boost their work performance.

Money in Stock!
Not only does a Scrooge loves making money, they also enjoy hoarding them.
If a Scrooge has a million in their household funds, they'll feel happy constantly. However, if they have less than 50 thousands, they'll feel tense.

Scrooge loves playing in money pile! They get more motive when sleeping in money pile. They also gain more fun when playing in the money pile. They gain fitness skill while doing so.
Scrooge dislike spending money. They dislike giving gifts or charity.
Holiday Wrecker
Scrooge hates holidays, and everyone fears them on a holiday!

They are very grumpy on holiday! It's hard to be nice with them on holiday because of their grumpiness.
Father Winter ain't safe! Scrooge will automatically fight him!
However, Good Sims, Proper Sims and Compassionate Sims won't suffer from holidays that much. They'll feel sad instead, because of inner conflicts.

To help with their anger issues, perform mean socials, pull pranks or perform holiday-wrecking interactions such as sabotaging holidya tree, sabotaging Grand Meal or Prank Presents to make them feel better! They'll even do it automatically.

If other Sims catch a Scrooge sabotaging holiday objects, they'll be scared.
A Chance to Change
Scrooges are not as stubborn as people depict them to be. There is always another chance for every Scrooge. Be prepared to replicate your Scrooge's Holiday Carol with the Scrooge trait!

The Start of Everything
There is a chance for every Scrooge -- if they have someone inportant in the past. A friend, a family, or a loyal pet who has passed can start the journey for Scrooge with a phone call, inviting Scrooge to make a change.

To get the phone call, have a Scrooge do mean socials, fight, pull pranks or sabotage holiday spirits until they reach the happy moodlet.

Or alternatively, if they're Good, Proper or Compassionate, continue overwork themsleves on the computer.
And there's always a chance you'll get the call randomly.
A Scrooge's Holiday Carol
They're coming for your Scrooge... Oh no, they'll just here to help you out. Since they used to be your friend, they knew deep down inside, your heart is not forzen.

During their visit, they'll help you to unlock a new aspiration "Scrooge's Holiday Carol". The Aspiration consists of three Acts, each one is a trial of a different Holiday Spirit.
After Completing the aspiration, your Sim will no longer feel angry on holidays and will enjoy holidays, giving gifts and charity!

HOW TO PLAY: Trap Inside a Gnome
The ability to trap another Sim inside a gnome is not tied to Festive Sims! Your Sim can purchase this fun ability in the reward store. Note that this ability can still only be purchased once.

With this ability, you can lock another Sim's spirit in a gnome. Useful to get rid of a workplace rival! But this is not all of the story...
Let's show off the story possibility with our dear Lucas, who is now a Festive Teen. He invited Malcolm over for holiday, but instead of treating him to a grand meal, he was treated with... a one-way ticket to the gnome kingdom.

And Poof! Malcolm is gone. Another evil Sim is now into the void, Lucas should feel relieved!

Mrs. Landgrabb should have the right to keep their... son, right? Lucas now gift this gnome to Nancy.
The next Harvestfest, Nancy decided that this cheap, ugly gnome should not exist anymore. And so Nancy decided to kick this gnome into pieces.
Poof! Someone suddenly appeared! It's her own son, Malcolm! By kicking the gnome into pieces, Malcolm's spirits are released. But he looks... Different.
Since Malcolm is an evil Sim, he has acquired true evil powers in the Gnome Kingdom ---- The ultimate destruction power. Now there's nowhere back. Whenever Malcolm feels Angry, things will go out of control.

There's more to the story! Kicking the Gnomes are not the only way to rescue, or release a trapped spirit.

On another Harvestfest, after appeasing a gnome, if you hear them talking to you, asking for a death flower... That might mean that there's a spirit trapped inside it.
In this case, our sweet and caring Mila, of course, offered the gnome a death flower to release the spirit, rescuing Wolfgang, who, since he's not evil, Bane, Mastermind or Scrooge, he's still a good Sim! He won't set the house on fire.

However, if you're tricked by an evil Sim, in this case you can always have a workaround, inspired by the famous tale, the Bottle Imp.
Enjoy all the story possiblity with this new trait! Pass on a demon gnome for generations, or gift them to your enemy... It's all up to you!
How to Play: A Summer Holiday Spirit Questline
Compatibility with Other Mods
If you have Lot51's Core Library, the new traits will affect their compatibility with other Sims in the Growing Together Sim Characteristics.
If you have More Holiday Traditions by Little MsSam, the new traits will affect their preferences toward these activities.
If you have MissyHissy's Custom Wants, your Sim will have even more custom wants for them!
Known Issues
Language Available
1.Traditional Chinese(Credit to myself)
2.Simplified Chinese(Also credit to myself)
3.English(Again, credit to myself)
1.2022/12/18 Released the mod in beta version.
2.2023/12/17 Released the mod in a complete state. Scrooge now have a hidden aspiration for it. Fixed many text errors, added more compatibilities with new packs.
2. A Scrooge's Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, as an inspiration for Scrooge's Holiday Carol.
3.Fisherman and the Devil from Arabian Nights, as an inspiration for Trap Inside a Gnome.
4.MissyHissy对于, for her support for Custom Wants
5. Carl Barks and Don Rosa, as an inspiration for the character Scrooge Mcduck, as an inspiration for Scrooghr trait
How To Install
1.Unzip the file after downloading, and then place it in "My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods "
2.Enable custom content in game to make it appear in your game
3.NOT Base Game Compatible. Requires Seasons Expansion pack.
4.This IS a script mod. Do NOT place the mod under a subfolder in a subfolder.
5.If you have For Rent Expansion Pack, the For Rent override add on is recommended, so that Generous Sims can't be Scrooge.
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