Small Mod: (Somewhat) Meaningful Wedding Stories
The gameplay in My Wedding Stories is a mess, even as of now, when almost all the bugs have been fixed. Therefore, to make it at least meaningful, I present this mod to you,
Wedding Planning is a complicated process, and there are many important factors. Keep the relationship healthy and don't stress out!
Wedding Satisfaction ---- Throughout the whole wedding planning phase, Sims will have satisfaction for the whole wedding. Each Sim has different preferences so their satisfaction also differ. Sims will keep track of general tips and personal preferences in their Notebook. Fears and Lifestyles can affect their preference, so be sure to check when some of them change.
Time to Make Up ---- After the wedding, your Sim will be granted an additional day, when they can plan a honeymoon or Reception Dinner to continue to build up satisfaction. After the period, Sims will carve their final feeling about the wedding into their relationship. For storytellers, you can cheat those bits on your own Sim in Cheat – Marriage – Wedding Bits.
Lifelong Effect ---- After the final feeling is granted, Sims will have special moodlets when talking with their spouse (Angry for a terrible wedding, or energized for a perfect wedding;) and will relieve their stress (or make it worse). Except for that, "Reminisce about Wedding" and "Tell Wedding Stories" can also affect your offsprings! Use your story of a perfect wedding to boost their satisfaction, or freak them out with a bad wedding story!
A Second Chance ---- For those who married in misery, second chance is always possible. Build up relationships and Romance Satisfaction, or work on your Acting Skills to cheat your partner, and then ask for a chance to Renew Vows! If successful, they can Attempt to Regain Trust and remove all the negative marriage Bits.
A Chance for Drama ---- Optional with the ‘CallOffWeddingAddOn’ package. During the wedding, couple with low wedding satisfaction might automatically call off wedding! Pair with the ‘AffairManagementAddOn’ package for additional drama by promising to elope with others!
Affair Management ---- Optional with the ‘AffairManagementAddOn’ package. Before the ceremony, Sims need to stay a clean state and clear boundaries with their affairs. Inviting them to wedding and ask them for a Speech might be a terrible idea. Attend to their feelings and avoid making them resentful toward your Sim!
How Satisfaction Works
Plan Ahead ---- It is important to plan the wedding carefully. Discussing details, planning wedding attires, checking out venues, and preparing wedding necessities all add to the wedding satisfaction. If you have adeepindigo’s Custom Nupitals and MissyHissy’s wedding interactions mod, all the planning interactions also matter.
Take it Slow ---- Most wedding planning interactions, as well as wedding traditions will increasing stress. Therefore it's wise to spread out the planning interactions.
Different Mind ---- Different Sims have different preferences, therefore thay have different satisfaction towards the wedding. Learn about different opinions by asking corresponding subjects.
Healthy Relationship ---- It's important to maintain the relationship during the planning phase. Relationship loss or Romance Satisfaction Loss all lead to a drop in Wedding Satisfaction.
Other Factors
Aside from general relationship management and perform wedding planning activities, many factors also matter.
Ceremony Matter! ----The core of wedding is when and how to exchange vows. Deciding how to plan the wedding has many factors. Choose the dream venue, keep it clean and decorated. Check the weather for outdoor weddings. And beware of any negative events happening at wedding!
Wedding Traditions Matter! ---- Wedding traditions are core to the wedding ceremony. Normally, you should plan as more traditions as possible. Be sure not to fail at traditions. Rehearsing traditions on additional parties will always be stressful, but reward satisfaction. Pick and choose who to send down the aisle also grants satisfaction.
Pre-Post Ceremonies Matter! ---- Except for traits, pre-post parties finally serves a purpose. Chat with families on a Family Reunion, Have drinks and tell jokes at Bach Party, or chat with guests on a Reception all helps! Additional Wedding Parties are the best and only time where you can build up satisfaction by smooth socializing with your partner. Announcing engagement at Engagement Dinner, Enthusing about Wedding on Rehearsal Dinner, and socializing with family members on Family Reunion or having a feast on Wedding Reception will also build up satisfaction. Trips are another way to increase satisfaction. Host a Bach Party, have fun and use Juice Keg while increasing satisfaction!
Food and Drinks Matter! ----Make sure your food is of good quality. Be sure to Select a Cake as Wedding Cake and make sure it's good. If you cater drinks, make sure the drinks are good! Aged Nectar are also great for building satisfaction. However…Be sure not to drink too much nectar, kava or juice... If you pass out, your significant other would drop satisfaction.
Guest List Matter! ---- Inviting guests to your wedding will increase wedding satisfaction, if you invite REAL important ones, you get more satisfied! Make sure you invite all the important guests! Avoid inviting your enemies or your exes.
Wedding Socials Matter! ---- Asking an elder who has a perfect wedding to help boost satisfaction! Just don't ask those who married in misery. Catching the bouquet at other's wedding will also greatly increase satisfaction!
Vow Renewal
A Second Chance ---- Vow Renewal offers a chance to make up for bad weddings. With enough care for a relationship, your Sim can ask for a chance to Renew Vows! If successful, they can host Renew Vows. After renewing vows, your Sim can Attempt to Regain Trust!

Find Your Inner peace ---- Wedding Satisfaction is unidirectional, so there's another option. Some Sims’ partners couldn't care less and there’s no chance they’ll ever try to make up. For those unfortunate Sims, they have the choice to make peace themselves after a Vow Renewal, since Rahmi is not interested in making up whatsoever.

Show Them You Care ---- The interaction ‘Attempt to Regain Trust’ would be more successful at a Vow Renewal ceremony or use a Crafted Ring.
Affair Management
Get ready to play with lies and drama in the Affair Management Add On in the Meaningful Wedding Stories Mod!
Behave Yourself ---- Sims with a not-so-clean state need to behave themselves and cool off their other romantic relationships, or else the affairs might accidentally spill the tea if you let them give a toast or speech on the wedding. Alternatively, keep the affair and make a promise.

Heart Breaker ---- And if your Sims are having a cold feet, promise to elope right on your wedding day. Your Sim will leave their spouse at the alter and elope with the affair instead.

Drama and Lies ----You can also give a Fake Promise to Elope on Wedding. They can also regret the decision, whether they want to revoke a promise or make a fake promise a real one. However, the other side might also regret and not show up, or reject the promise.

Resentful Exes ----Failing to manage your affairs can result in wedding disaster. Resentful exes might show up. They could either spill the tea and interrupt the ceremony, teach your Sim a lesson with fists, forgive your Sim and give a wedding gift or ask to become partners again!
Details on Trait Effects
How to Play
This mod has great compatibility with other mods! Except for the traditions in My Wedding Stories, all kinds of interactions in “custom nupital” by adeepobigo and "Pets as Flower Pals" also counts!
Know Issues
2.In the future, I'll make it that dramas might happen at wedding if satisfaction is messed up. Also a great Vow Renewal can save a terrible wedding in the future.
Language Available
1.Traditional and Simplified Chinese (credit to myself)
2. English (also credit to myself)
1.2022/7/30 Published the mod
2. 2024/9/21 Updated for Romance Expansion Pack. Fine-tuned the experience, added Affair Management and Notebook tracking.
How to Use
1.Unzip the file after downloading, and then place it in "My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods "
2.Enable custom content in game to make it appear in your game
3.This mod does not require My Wedding Stories to be used, but it might be hard to have a perfect wedding without it.
4.This IS a script mod. Do NOT place the mod under a subfolder in a subfolder.
5.The CallOffWeddingAddOn is the part that adds the autonomous "Call Off Wedding" interaction. DOn't use it if you don't want it to happen. It also conflicts with bienchen's "Call Off Wedding Fix".
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