Custom Social Event : University Graduation
Did anyone else felt that Discover University missed on a big deal? Yeah, I'm talking about the graduation. So I started this since March, and has finally finalised it now.
With this Mod, You'll Get:
1. Two new social events: Foxbury Institute Graduation and UBrite Graduation Ceremony. An additional Fauxbury University Gradution is included in the add on package.
2. Custom interactions during the event.
3. Complete the event and earn rewards that hav benefits throughout Sims' lives.
How To Play

1. If your Sim has enrolled in the university, or they just earned all credits and are waiting for the rabbit hole ceremony, you can plan a graduation on calendar or under their Phone - "Plan Social Event". If they are not enrolled, they won't be able to throw one.
(If you want a ceremony for storytelling or screenshot, or simply want a graduation photo for any Sim, use the Add On pack and throw a Fauxbury University Graduation)
The event can be hold at teh corresponding Student Commons, University Housing, Residental Lots and Libraries, Parks and more.

2. Except for your own graduating Sim, you need to invite a professor (who does not need to actually be one); Invite any classmates or romemates under "Other Graduates", and any family or friend you'd like to invite under "Guests". Your Sim and other graduates will show up in graduation gawn. You can invite zero guests or other graduates, and NPCs will be auto invited to fill the job.
Note that professors need a microphone to host the ceremony. So if you place a microphone on higher floors or too far away, the first valedictorian (yes, there are more than one valedictorian LoL) will shake hands with the professor where they showed up, and takes a long time, thus preventing you from completing a goal. So keep the microphone close to the entrance.
Note that sometimes Sims show up not wearing graduation gown. In those cases, cancel the party and start again.

3. The first part of the event is the ceremony, when the professor call graduates to the stage and let them give a valedictory, and then shake hands with them with a congratulations.

4. In the middle of the event, shortly after the ceremony, graduates will throw their caps into the air and graduate!

5. The last part is when everyone talks and has fun. New interactions show up at this stage, including "Enthuse About Graduation" "Show Off Graduation Gown" "Compliment Gown" "Mock Gown" "Discuss Career Plans" "Ask to Keep in Touch" "Enthuse about Cafeteria Menu" and "Crush Dreams about Future".

6. Anyone who attends a ceremony gets a graduation photo. So you can dump that dull rabbit hole graduation without losing your precious photo. (Fauxbury Graduation also has this reward)

7. No one knows why we can't make Avocado Toast at home. Don't worry, anyone with Bronze level or up learns the recipe under Quick Meal Menu (You might already learnt to cook Avocado Toast with SCCO though) (Reward Not included in Fauxbury Graduation)

7. Sims with Silver or up unlocks an interaction to "Tell Graduation Story". On success, they'll get confident, and will perform the cap-throwing thingy. (Reward Not included in Fauxbury Graduation)

8. And at last, Sims with Gold Level or up unlocks a reward trait "Memories of Graduation", include three moodlets :
Memories of Graduation (Happy +1) : Get this buff when visiting university. Has a cooldown.
Never Too Old to Learn (Focused +2) : Get this buff when visiting student commons. Has a cooldown.
Glimpse of Youth (Energized +1) : Get this buff when university students are around. No cooldown.
It's a pretty useful trait so I made the event hard to achieve gold. Call me a T-Rex. (Reward Not included in Fauxbury Graduation. But that party is easy to achieve gold though.)
Known Issues
1.Sometimes Sims show up not wearing graduation gown. In those cases, cancel the party and start again.
2. Your Sim might notice two graduation ceremonies for their college when trying to get a second degree. This is to amke sure both Sims in university and Sims who completed all credits and waiting for graduation can host this party, and don't show up when they're not enrolled. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they'll not see it after graduation.
3. Professors need a microphone to host the ceremony. So if you place a microphone on higher floors or too far away, the first valedictorian (yes, there are more than one valedictorian LoL) will shake hands with the professor where they showed up, and takes a long time, thus preventing you from completing a goal. So keep the microphone close to the entrance.
4. My friend told me that KawaiiStacie's upcoming Memorable Events Mod will also include a university graduation, along with many important events that looks super useful. Although the two should not conflict with each other, SOL users and others intrested in that mod might want to pass on this one and wait for her release.
Language Available
1.Traditional Chinese(Credit to myself)
2.Simplified Chinese(Also credit to myself)
3.English(Again, credit to myself)
4.French (Kimikosoma; optional translation by Arzaztrad)
1.2020/7/25 Released the mod.
2.2021/8/4 You can no longer grab Avacado Toast on a lot that activates Simple Living Lot Challenge.
3.2022/4/4 Fixed a bug that prevent Sims from acquiring the graduation photo.
How To Install
1.Unzip the file after downloading, and then place it in "My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods "
2.Enable custom content in game to make it appear in your game
3.NOT Base Game Compatible. You have to own Discover University for it to work.
4.This is NOT a script MOD.
5.AddOn Pack is a third social event for storytellers and those who just want a screenshot, or need a graduation photo for their Sims. If you don't want it just delete it.
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