Gameplay Mod: Love Tester
Hello, everyone! Today I'm going to bring a brand new gameplay object to you: The Love Tester, as we might see in some TV series! Now your Sims can ask about their Love Life!
With this mod, you can
1.Find a brand new object 'Vintage Love Tester' under 'Indoor Activities' category. You can find it directly when building a bar, lounge, cafe or club in the venue object list.

2.The following interactions are availabe:
(1)Ask About Love Destiny/Ask About Current Relationship:According to your current relationship state, one of the options will show up, and you can know whether your relationship will be steady...or you will start a new love life!
(2)Ask About Love Possibilities With:Choose the one you care about and ask if you can be together! (Don't try to do this when you're in a relationship! Or else...)

Languages Available
1..Traditional Chinese(credit to myself)
2.English(also credit to myself)
1.11/8/2017 Updated for Pre-Cats&Dogs Patch
2.2018/6/24 Updated to be compatible with Seasons.
3.2020/5/11 Updated to the latest version.
4.2020/6/4 Updated for Eco Living
How to Install
1.Unzip the file after downloading, and then place it in "My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods "
2.Enable custom content in game to make it appear in your game
3.Base Game Compatible. You don't need any EP/GP/SP for it to work.
4.This is NOT a script MOD
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