Custom Aspirations:GTW Active Careers
Unlike TS3, one thing that lacks in TS4 is aspirations. The lack of aspirations make the game repetitive and make players unmotivated to try out some features...So here it is! Four new aspirations for GTW active careers!
With this mod, you can
1.Have three new aspirations under a new aspiration category 'Careers'---'Hound''Top-Class Scientist'&'Guardian of Health' and one new aspiration in the existing 'Deviance' category---'Frankenstein'
2.Custom objectives associated with the aspirations
3.Custom trait 'Active Employee' to keep your Sims focused when they're working actively
4.Four custom reward traits to earn after completing each track
5.Several custom interactions that can be unlocked after earning the reward traits
6.Lots of custom buffs
7.Custom whims associated with aspirations and traits
How to play

1. Objectives in “Hound” Aspiration involves participating in the work, solve crimes, and building up Logic and Fitness skill!

2.After earning the reward trait 'True Detective' of the 'Hound' aspiration, you'll unlock the following interactions——
Accuse of being evil:under Mean category;Use this interaction to make others lose relationship with the accused Sim...unless they're evil, or they're good friends or sweet heart
Praise the good:under friendly category;Make the praised Sim gain relationship with everyone else present
Lecture to be a good Sim:under friednly category;Lecture your kid and they have a chance to acquire 'Good' trait
Show off police uniform:under romance category;There's a chance to make the other Sim flirty

3.Objective in 'Guardian of Health' aspiration involves being friendly to patients, curing diseases, and building up Logic and Charisma skill!

4.After earning the reward trait 'Virus Expert' of the 'Guardian of Health' aspiration, you'll unlock the following interactions——
Innoculate:under friendly category;The innoculated Sim will get rid of the disease and will be less like to be sick for a week
Throw virus solution:under mean category;The Sim thrown at will immediately get sick, but there's a chance you'll also get sick
Be more like to become friends with Grim

5.Objectives in 'Top-Class Scientist' aspiration involves inventing things, analyzing chemicals and building up Logic and Rocket Science skill!

6.After earning the reward trait 'Doctor Who' of the 'Top-Class Scientist' aspiration, you'll unlock the following interactions——
Create Reward Potions:You can create any reward potions in the satisfaction store if you have the required ingredients
Satisfied Sims:under 'neighborhood hivemind' category on the satellite dish;Have the neighbors's motives filled and gain friendship faster
Romantic Party:under 'neighborhood hivemind' category on the satellite dish;Make neighbors flirty and gain romance faster
Ghost Town:under 'neighborhood hivemind' category on the satellite dish;Make neighbors temporarily become ghosts
Remove Alien Genes:Turn an alien Sim to a human Sim; There's a chance that you'll fail. Note that you have to have a Simray in your inventory to use this interaction

7.Objectives in 'Frankenstein' aspiration involves being mean, use the inventions to create chaos, and making a difference!

8.After earning the reward trait 'Black Tech Guru' of the 'Frankenstein' aspiration, you'll unlock the following interactions——
Test SSC:under mischief category;This interaction will immediately set the other Sim on fire
Clothes resolving ray:under 'neighborhood hivemind' category on the satellite dish;Make the neighbors naked and embarrassed
Clothes resolving ray:under mischief category;This interaction will make the other Sim naked and embarrassed.
Mind Control: WooHoo
Transfer Negative Emotions:When your Sim is suffering from a negative moodlet, use this to make others suffer for you
Transfer Motives:There are seven interactions in this menu; Drain others' motives and fill your own
Incept Memories: Incept different memories will result in different results.


For the screenshots and play-testing, I made three new Sims: One mad scientist Federick, and a Carter family! The Brother wants to cure others while the sister aims to solve crimes! I didn't use cc hair, you can either download in Gallery by the name 'konansock' (remember to check 'Enable Custom Content', though I didn't), or download below!
DOWNLOAD Mad Scientist Federick(Mediafire/SimFileShare)
DOWNLOAD Doctor Bro&Detective Sis Carter Family(Mediafire/SimFileShare)
Don't know how to use downloaded Sims? See here

I made a dungeon for the mad scienist when taking screeshots, I didn't use cc, you can either download in Gallery by the name 'konansock' (remember to check 'Enable Custom Content', though I didn't), or download below!
DOWNLOAD Scientist's dungeon (Mediafire/SimFileShare)
Don't know how to use downloaded rooms? See here
Languages Available
1.Traditional Chinese(credit to myself)
2.English(also credit to myself)
3. French (Credit to Kimiko Soma)
1.11/8/2017 Updated for Pre-Pets Patch
2.2018/6/24 Updated to be compatible with Seasons.
3.2020/5/11 Updated to the latest version
4.2020/6/4 Updated for Eco Living
5.2020/6/13 Updated to make more interactions compatible with Get Famous
2.BrittpinkieSims for checking texts and play-testing and also encouragement, suggetsions and help!
How to install
1.Unzip the file after downloading, and then place it in "My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods "
2.Enable custom content in game to make it appear in your game
3.NOT Base Game Compatible. You have to own Get To Work EP for it to work
4.It's a SCRIPT MOD! So make sure you enabled script mods in game; Also, don't place the folder inside a subfolder in "My Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods”
If the interactions aren't showing up in your game it's probably because you didn't even see through this post. Make sure you did everything right before you ask.
Don't know how to use cc or mods? See here
Have an issue or find a bug?See here
Term of use
When you download any of my mods, custom contents or other stuffs, you're considered to agree with my TOU
Never reupload my file or claim as your own.