Custom Trait:Cross-Dressing
I always thought the traits in this game lacks depth and therefore I wanted to make a trait that is fun and also in-depth...With this thought, I came up with this idea one day when chatting with BrittpinkieSims! So here it is---Cross-Dressing trait!
With this mod, you can
1.Have two custom traits in CAS under Lifestyle category---Cross-Dressing and Hates Cross-Dressing
2.Several Custom Interactions
3.A load of custom buffs
4.Three obtainable gameplay traits——“Cross-Dress-Phobia”、“Pride Of A Cross-Drssim” and “Accepts Cross-Dressing”
5.Many custom whims to lead you through the mod
6.A custom book for your Sim to read and for those with Cross-Dress-Phobia to recover

How to Play

1.To start a life as a cross-dressim, you should click on your Sim, and select the interaction ‘Free To Put On Mens/Womenswear’ in the ‘Cross-Dressing’ category.
NOTE: You’ll be taken to CAS every time you switch your Sims’ clothing preference, but you don’t need to do anything, it’s just a normal procedure that actually allows your Sim to switch clothing preference.

2.Put on clothes of the opposite gender in front of a mirror or a dresser, or just change outfits anywhere by ‘Put On XXXwear’ interaction in the ‘Cross-Dressing’ pie menu on youe Sim! You can even change into swimwear! Be sure to do those interactions from time to time or they’ll feel stressed! Your Sim can also display Cross-Dressing in the neighborhood and others will have different reactions toward your display!

3.If you decide to make your Sims a respected cross-dressim, you can take on the journey of eliminating stereotypes with the interaction ‘Persuade To Get Rid Of StereoType’. Of course things will be difficult, but keep on and you’ll see the light of day. If you succeed in talking others into abandoning stereotypes, they’ll get the reward trait ‘Accepts Cross-Dressing’ and your Sim will feel confident around them!

4.If you decide to be a frank cross-dressim, you can benefit from the interaction ‘Recognize Yourself’ on a mirror! After several times of recognizing yourself you’ll earn the reward trait ‘Pride Of A Cross-Dressim’! You’ll be confident after doing cross-dressing interactions with this trait! And you have much higher chance to persuade others to accept cross-dressing! You can also build up Charisma skill at a higher speed! You also have several social interactions exclusive to this state!

5.If you decide to hide your trait from others, you can do this with the interaction ‘Control The Nature Of Cross-Dressing’ or simply force them to put on the original clothing with the interaction ‘Force To Put On XXXwear only’! But be sure to release your pressure constantly or you may get some mental problem!

6.If you love weird or challenging gameplay, just suppress you cross-dressing Sims’ desire for long enough (About 5 days and several hrs I think), and they’ll get the Cross-Dress-Phobia Gameplay Trait, which functions as a mental problem that causes your Sims to have unpredictable and strong emotions that all have negative effects. But don’t worry, they can recover in the guidance of a famous Cross-dressim Adam Cage! Just use your phone and call him for tips either for free or at a price! You certainly have better treatment at a price! There are also several interactions exclusive to this trait!

7.If you don’t feel like playing with a cross-dressing sim, you can also have several new interactions! You can console a cross-dressing sim, or call him/her a weirdo; You can also claim to accept cross-dressing or hate cross-dressing to befriend or annoy a cross-dressim! What’s more, you can even give lectures to your kids to guide them to either accept or hate cross-dressing…But they may have their own choices!

8.There’s a fictional Sim in my save that is featured in this mod…I just accidentally made such a cute male Sim that I can’t help featuring him in the mod…Yup, he’s Adam Cage, the famous cross-dressim mentioned above LOL. He wrote a book that can help your Sim recover from Cross-Dress-Phobia!

9.As your Sims have to go to CAS to switch clothing preference, I disabled autonomy of that interaction, which means you can’t see random cross-dressims in the world…BUT to solve this issue, I added an interaction for NPC Sims, ‘Free His Desire’ and ‘Free Her Desire’, which can free those NPC Sims’ desire ad they’ll do cross-dressing things autonomously without playing with that Sim or even knowing that Sim!

Sim Download
You can download the Sim featured in the screeshots above in the following link.

Recommended Custom Contents:
DOWNLOAD Adam Cage (Mediafire/Simfileshare)
1.2017/11/11 Updated for Cats&Dogs
2.2018/5/3 Updated to fix an issue with book not readable.
3.2018/6/24 Updated to be compatible with Seasons.
4.2020/5/11 Updated to the latest version.
5.2020/6/4 Updated for Eco Living
6.2020/11/06 Updated for Snowy Escape patch.
7.2021/2/14 Fixed the bug where interactions won't show up.
Languages Available
1.Traditional Chinese(credit to myself)
2.English(also credit to myself)
1.Tool:S4S(Sims4Studio), EA for icon, Photoshop for editing icons
2.BrittpinkieSims for checking texts and play-testing and also encouragement, suggetsions and help!
3.@喂喂喂不要这样 on Baidu Tieba for playtesting and feedback
How to install
1.Unzip the file after downloading, and then place it in "My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods "
2.Enable custom content in game to make it appear in your game
3.Base Game Compatible. You don't need any EP/GP/SP for it to work.
4.It's a SCRIPT MOD! So make sure you enabled script mods in game; Also, don't place the folder inside a subfolder in "My Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods”
If the trait or some interactions aren't showing up in your game it's probably because you didn't even see through this post. Make sure you did everything right before you ask.
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When you download any of my mods, custom contents or other stuffs, you're considered to agree with my TOU
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