Gameplay Objects : Rice Cooker
Rice is a main course enjoyed by half of the world population. Now Sims can also enjoy warm rice meals and the process of cooking rice with this mod!
How to Play

1.Meet THE Rice Cooker——Find two new cooking appliances under "Appliance"-"Small Appliance" : Rice Cooker! (A low-end version and a high-end one)

2.Upgrade Your Rice Cooker——There are custom upgrades to the rice cooker, including modules that improves food quality, shortens the time for cooking, keeps the food warm and fresh. The ultimate upgrade will instantly improve the quality, warmness and freshness of the food! The high-end rice cooker will come with all modules upgraded, consumes less power, cook higher quality food, and give your Sim a focused moodlet!

3.Cook with Ease——Tired of watching your Sim stand blandly in front of the stove or oven? It's never the case with the rice cooker! Just pour the ingredients in the cooker, and wait for your delicious meal while doing more important stuffs!

4.Warm Recipes——Congees and Rice cooked with the rice cooker will be preserved inside the cooker, and when the rice is newly-cooked, it will give powerful buffs and benefits to your Sim. You can aways warm the recipes up after they got cold though!

5.Rice and Congee——There are over 20 new recipes exclusive to the Rice Cooker, each have different buffs and benefits for your Sim! All available in restaurants!
Rice Recipes

Rice Recipes:
1.Rice (Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
4.Black Rice (Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
5.Red Bean Rice (Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain and Red Bean by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
6.Corn Meal (Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain and Corn by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
7.Lazy Sim's Meaty Treat (Optional Ingredients:Potato in Base Game and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
8.Lazy Sim's Treat (Optional Ingredients:Potato in Base Game and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
9.Japanese Cat Rice (Optional Ingredients:Any Fish and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
10.Rice with Raw Egg (Optional Ingredients:Eggs in Chicken Coop and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
11.Poke Bowl (Requires Cooking Level 3; Optional Ingredients:Any Fish and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)

With City Living Expansion Pack and the File "Rex_RiceCooker_CityLivingAddOn" you can cook:
1.Curry (Requires Cooking Level 1, need to learn from market stalls; Optional Ingredients:Curry and Saffron in City Living and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
2.Bhel Puri (Requires Cooking Level 1, need to learn from market stalls; Optional Ingredients:Chili Powder in City Living and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
3.Pork Adobo (Requires Cooking Level 1, need to learn from market stalls; Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
With Jungle Adventure Game Pack and the File "Rex_RiceCooker_JungleAdventureAddOn" you can cook:
1.Feijoada (Requires Cooking Level 1, need to learn from Jungle market stalls; Optional Ingredients:Black Bean in Jungle Adventure and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)

With Vampires Game Pack and the File "Rex_RiceCooker_VampireAddOn" you can cook:
1.Plasma Rice (Optional Ingredients : Plasma Fruit in Vampires and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)

You can also cook the following recipes after Icemunmun update them:
4.Mango Sticky Rice
Congee Recipes

Congee Recipes:
1.Rice Porridge(Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
2.Millet Porridge
3.Sorghum Porridge
4.Black Rice Porridge (Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
5.Corn Grain Congee (Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain and Corn by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
6.Yam Congee (Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain and Yam by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
7.Red Bean and Milk Congee (Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain and Red Bean by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
8.Pumpkin Congee (Optional Ingredients: Rice Grain and Pumpkin by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
9.Red Date with Taro Congee (Optional Ingredients : Taro Root in Island Living and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
10.Preserved Eggs with Pork Congee (Optional Ingredients:Preserved Eggs and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)

With Vampires Game Pack and the File "Rex_RiceCooker_VampireAddOn" you can cook:
1.Plasma Congee (Optional Ingredients : Plasma Fruit in Vampires and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
Other Food Recipes
Except from Rice and Congee, the rice cooker is also great for stewing and steaming food, and the following food recipes are available:

1.Chili (Optional Ingredients : Onion and Tomato in Base Game)
2.Vegetable Chili (Optional Ingredients : Onion and Tomato in Base Game)
3.Ciopinno (Optional Ingredients : Any Fish)
4.Forager's Stew (Requires Cooking Level 3; Optional Ingredients : Any Vegetable)
With Outdoor Retreat Game Pack and the file "Rex_RiceCooker_OutdoorRetreatAddOn", you can cook:
1.Franks and Beans (Requires Cooking Level 1; Optional Ingredients : Onion in Base Game and Soybean in Eco Lifestyle)
2.Camper's Stew (Requires Cooking Level 6; Optional Ingredients : Potato and Carrot in Base Game and any mushroom)
3.Gumbo (Requires Cooking Level 8; Optional Ingredients : Onion in Base Game, any Insect in Outdoor Reatreat and any crawdads)
With Dine Out Game Pack and the file "Rex_RiceCooker_DineOutAddOn", you can cook:
1.Minestrone (Requires Cooking Level 5; Optional Ingredients : Tomato, Potato and Basil in Base Game)
2.Clam Chowder (Requires Cooking Level 6; Optional Ingredients : Potato and Onion in Base Game)
With Island Living Game Pack and the file "Rex_RiceCooker_IslanLivingAddOn", you can cook:
1.Fish Stew (Requires Cooking Level 4; Optional Ingredients : Any Fish)
Processed Rice Recipes
Aside from convenient rice recipes, there are also other food that are cooked with rice! Those recipes will require more cooking work instead of just putting ingredients in the cooker. You can also find them in Custom Food Interactions bt theFoodGroup on MTS after the August Update, they require an empty rice cooker to cook thouf. Currently the available recipes are:

1.Onigiri (Requires Cooking Level 2; Optional Ingredients : Any Fruit and Rice Grain by Icemunmun or Rice in SrslySims SCCO)
1.Simplified and Traditional Chinese(credit to myself)
2.English(also credit to myself)
3.French (credit to and optional version by Arzaztrad)
4.Spanish (credit to GeoSims)
1.2020/7/12 Released the mod
2.2020/7/18 Recategorized the recipes to make them show up under "Grains" category in restaurants; Added an optional version for SCCO Users.
3.2020/7/25 Implemented French translation by
4.2021/2/14 Updated to include Eco Upgrades in Eco lifestyle and Techie Lifestyle compatibiliy in Snowy Escape.
5.2021/2/19 Updated Spanish translation by GeoSims and Icemunmun new recipes.
6.2021/8/4 Updated for Cottage Living; Made the mod compatible with Simple Living Lot Challenge, Lactose Intolerant Trait and group cooking. Arranged some ingredients, now use Bag of Rice in Icemunmun's Functional Mill Mod.
7.2022/6/13 Fixed the issue where cooking generates an Last Exception file.
2.百度图片 for textures。
3.Icemunmun for inspirations, playtest and feedback, and a lot of help with my mods, also for her wonderful harvestables and effort to make my recipes compatible with Custom Food Interactions!
How To Install
1.Unzip the file after downloading, and then place it in "My Document>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods "
2.Enable custom content in game to make it appear in your game
3.Base Game Compatible. You don't need any DLC for it to work; BUT, for specific Add-Ons you do need DLCs.
4.It's not a script mod. Also, don't place the folder inside a subfolder in "My Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods”
5.For SCCO users, use the files inside the "SCCO Version" folder, and delete everything outside the folder. If you're not, delete the folder.
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